“十五”时期,全区信息化建设和信息产业发展紧紧围绕自治区党委、政府的中心工作和工业化、城镇化、农牧业产业化的工作大局,结合我区实际,确立了发展思路及重点,全力推进“一个园区,两个基地,五大工程”建设,呈现勃勃生机。为此, 记者对内蒙古自治区信息办张铁网主任进行了专访。记者:张主任您好。内蒙古信息化建设和信息产业发展现状如何?
In the “Tenth Five-year Plan” period, the informatization of the entire district and the development of the information industry closely center on the central work of the party committees and governments in the autonomous region and the general work of industrialization, urbanization and industrialization of agriculture and animal husbandry. In line with the actual conditions in our region, Focus on and vigorously promote the “one park, two bases, five major projects” construction, showing vitality. To this end, the reporter conducted an exclusive interview with the director of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Zhang Tie network information. Reporter: Director Zhang Hello. Inner Mongolia information construction and information industry development status?