
来源 :图书情报工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeanlife
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当网络信息应有尽有、搜索引擎成为人们的惯用工具,商业信息服务变得更加智能与专业化,图书馆的传统优势和定位受到极大的挑战,图书馆的边缘化趋势似乎在加剧,图书馆的生存危机似乎更加显现。在此情境下,图书馆的地位和作用如何体现,图书馆的未来发展趋势、方向与战略应如何确立,当前图书馆的业务布局、服务模式与管理机制应如何调整,图书馆的变革、转型与超越,不仅是大势所趋、形势所迫,更是图书馆人寻求生存与发展出路的唯一选择。为更好地总结国内外近些年来对图书馆变革这一主题的理论研究成果和实践创新发展,为图书馆的未来规划与战略决策提供支撑,推动图书馆变革的理论创新与实践探索,《图书情报工作》杂志社将于2013年11月2-5日在云南腾冲这一秀美小镇召开《图书情报工作》第29次学术研讨会。现面向全国各级各类图书情报机构征文,也欢迎提供PPT或直接参会。 When the network information has everything that one expects to find, search engines become the common tools for people, business information services become more intelligent and specialized, the traditional advantages and positioning of the library are greatly challenged, the trend of library marginalization seems to be aggravating, library The crisis of existence seems to be more apparent. In this situation, how does the status and function of the library reflect the future development trend of the library, how to establish the direction and strategy, how to adjust the service layout and service mode and management mechanism, how to change the library and how to transform the library And beyond, not only is the trend of the times, the situation forced, but also the librarian seeking survival and development of the only way out. In order to better summarize the theoretical research achievements and practical innovation and development of library reform in recent years both at home and abroad, provide support for the future planning and strategic decision-making of libraries, and promote theoretical innovation and practical exploration of library reform, Library and Information Service will hold the 29th Symposium on Library and Information Service in the beautiful town of Tengchong, Yunnan from November 2 to November 5, 2013. Now facing all kinds of books and information agencies at all levels essay, but also welcome to provide PPT or direct participants.
对于一种连杆机构应用于内环形弧面特殊型孔加工时涉及到的一些关键问题作了介绍,并就如何提高加工表面质量进行了分析。 Some key problems involved in the machining of a
介绍一种双向多功能声光调制器的设计原理、制作工艺及实验结果。两个方向均采用 y- 3 6°切割 L i Nb O3 单晶为换能器 ,双向声光器件的性能为 :X方向的工作频率为 4 0± 0
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