刚到福建省晋江县,就听到梅林大队反走私的故事。最近几年,当走私风在闽南沿海盛行时,这个大队不但本身无一人参加走私活动,还协助厦门海关和县边防公安部队缉拿了许多走私船,截获价值一千多万元的走私物品。县和厦门海关曾授予锦旗一面,省委第一书记项南同志称赞它是“出污泥而不染”的好单位。 去年十二月十七日,我来到这个大队采访,大队党支部书记李剑
Just arrived in Jinjiang County, Fujian Province, heard the story of anti-smuggling Merlin brigade. In recent years, when smuggling winds prevailed along the coast of southern Fujian, the brigade not only did not participate in smuggling activities by itself, but also assisted Xiamen Customs and the border protection police forces in seizing smuggled ships and intercepting more than 10 million worth of smuggled goods. The county and Xiamen Customs once awarded the pennant, and Comrade Nanan, the first secretary of the provincial party committee, praised it as a good unit for “leaving the mud untouched.” Last December 17 last year, I came to this brigade to interview Li Shu, secretary of the brigade party branch