Lower Cretaceous red sedimentary rocks from the depositional basin of East Qilian fold belt have been collected for a paleomagnetic study. Stepwise thermal dema
Oxygen isotopic compositions of zircons from pyroxenite (~145 Ma) of Daoshichong, Dabieshan have been measured by an ion microprobe. Both within the single grain
This paper discusses the problem of constructing C2 quartic spline surface interpolation. Decreasing the continuity of the quartic spline to C2 offers additional freedom degrees that can be used to ad
Caesalpinia minax has a long history of use as a Chinese traditional herb medicine in Yunnan Province, China, for the treatment of skin-related diseases. A pote
This note studies the Radiolarian fossil groups since 1.2 MaBP in ODP leg 184 site 1143, the southern South China Sea (SCS). The result shows that radiolarian a
We recognized 6 sets of reflecting P- and S-wave events from Moho and other interfaces within the crust, respectively, with the wide-angle seismic data acquired