对好一句下联 需要四种知识——谈高考“对联”题及2005年备考对策

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2004年高考语文试卷(全国卷)的第24题是一道“对春联下联”题。它把传统的属对知识纳入高考试题,显然有别于近几年“句子仿写”题。这是重在考查学生掌握语言知识状况、综合运用语文能力的新题型、新方式,应该引起我们足够的重视。该试题题干要求明确:“下面都是春联的上联,请选择其中一题对出下联。”提供的上联分别是——第一题:①春晖盈大地、②科学能致富;第二题:③国兴旺家兴旺国家兴旺。这是一道比较全面地考查学生语言基础知识、 2004 college entrance examination of Chinese papers (National Vol.) 24 is a question “couplets to the couplets ” title. It put the traditional genus of knowledge into the college entrance examination questions, apparently different from the recent years “sentence Imitation ” title. This is a new method and new method that focuses on examining the students’ mastery of language knowledge and the comprehensive use of language proficiency, which should arouse enough attention from us. The test questions require a clear answer: “The following are the couplets of the Spring Festival, please choose one of the questions on the couplet. ” The provided are respectively - the first question: ① Chunhui surplus earth, ② science can get rich; The second question: ③ prosperous country prosperous country thriving. This is a more comprehensive examination of students’ basic knowledge of language,