希伯来法,是指公元前11世纪至公元1世纪希伯来奴隶制国家全部法律的总称。主要渊源为《摩西律法》,其基本原则集中在《摩西十诫》(Ten Commandments)之中。据史料记载,早在公元前2100年,中亚游牧部落民族希伯来人(犹太人的祖先)的先祖亚伯拉罕(Abraham)就已经开始了与古巴比伦人的交往活动。公元前11世纪,由部落民众大会选出的扫罗(Saul)成为希伯来人的第一个国王。公元前1013-973年,犹太部落的首领大卫(David)建立了统一的希伯来国家。大卫的儿子所罗门(Solomon)在位期间(前973-933),进一步加强和完善了国家组织。在此
Hebrew law, refers to the 11th century BC to the first century Hebrew slavery state all laws collectively. The main origin is the “law of Moses”, whose basic principle is concentrated in “Ten Commandments.” According to historical records, as early as 2100 BC, the ancestor of the Hebrew, a Jewish ancestor of Central Asian nomadic tribes, Abraham, had already begun to engage with the ancient Babylonian people. In the 11th century BC Saul, elected by tribal people’s congresses, became the first King of Hebrews. Between 1013 and 1973 BC David, a Jewish tribal chief, established a unified Hebrew nation. During the reign of Solomon, son of David (973-933 BC), the state organization was further strengthened and improved. here