Catalytic steam reforming of biomass over Ni-based catalysts: Conversion from poplar leaves to hydro

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqQQ106942397
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A series of Ni/SBA-15 catalysts with Ni contents from 5 wt%–20 wt%and CaO-12.5%Ni/SBA-15 catalysts with CaO contents from 1.4 wt%–9.8 wt%have been prepared.The structure of the catalysts was characterized using X-ray diffraction(XRD),N2 adsorption-desorption,transmission electron microscopy(TEM)and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS).The performance of catalytic steam reforming of the poplar leaves to the hydrogen-rich syngas was tested in a fixed-bed reactor.The results indicate that the 7.0wt%CaO-12.5wt%Ni/SBA-15 catalyst exhibits the best performance for the catalytic steam reforming of poplar leaves to hydrogen-rich syngas.The ratio of H2:CO can reach ca 5:1 in the hydrogen-rich syngas.The yield of H2 can reach 273.30 mL/g(poplar leaves).In the CaO-Ni/SBA-15 catalyst,Ni active component mainly fills the role of catalytic steam reforming of the poplar leaves,and CaO active component mainly plays the role as water-gas shift and CO2 sorbent. A series of Ni / SBA-15 catalysts with Ni contents from 5 wt% -20 wt% and CaO-12.5% ​​Ni / SBA-15 catalysts with CaO contents from 1.4 wt% -9.8 wt% have been prepared. The structure of the catalysts was characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption-desorption, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The performance of catalytic steam reforming of the poplar leaves to the hydrogen-rich syngas was tested in a fixed-bed reactor. The result indicates that the 7.0 wt% CaO-12.5 wt% Ni / SBA-15 catalyst exhibits the best performance for the catalytic steam reforming of poplar leaves to hydrogen- rich syngas. The ratio of H2: CO can reach ca 5: 1 in the hydrogen-rich syngas.The yield of H2 can reach 273.30 mL / g (poplar leaves) .In the CaO-Ni / SBA-15 catalyst, Ni active component mainly fills the role of catalytic steam reforming of the poplar leaves, and CaO active component mainly plays the role as water-gas shift and CO2 sorbent.
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