人体摄影是摄影艺术皇冠上一颗具有神秘气息和浪漫色彩的明珠,人类对自身美的欣赏产生了人体艺术。罗丹曾说: “自然中任何东西都比不上人体更有性格,人体由于它的力或由于它的美,可以唤起种种不同的意象。” 因此我们欣赏人体摄影作品,不仅仅靠视觉,更重要的是用心去体会、感悟。而在摄影人体作品时,我觉得作为摄影师,应该充满创作的激情,我们只有通过不断努力,探索,才能创造出真正感人的,自然的,健康的人体艺术作品。
Human photography is the crown of photography photography with a mysterious atmosphere and romantic pearl, human appreciation of their own beauty produced the body art. Rodin once said: “Nothing in nature is more characteristic than the human body, and the human body can arouse all kinds of different images because of its force or because of its beauty.” Therefore, we appreciate body photography works, not only by sight but also by more It is important to understand, sentiment. In the photography of human works, I think as a photographer, should be full of creative passion, we only through continuous efforts to explore, to create truly touching, natural, healthy body art works.