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1995年在北京举行的联合国第四次世界妇女大会上通过的《行动纲领》指出,采纳性别观点主流化是达到两性平等的全球性重要策略。此后,很多国家和地区相继通过采纳性别观点主流化的概念,在决策过程中纳入社会性别视角,鼓励和促使两性平等发展。中国香港特别行政区政府致力于促进香港妇女的福祉和权益,并于2001年1月成1995年在北京举行的联合国第四次世界妇女大会上通过的《行动纲领》指出,采纳性别观点主流化是达到两性平等的全球性重要策略。此后,很多国家和地区相继通过采纳性别观点主流化的概念,在决策过程中纳入社会性别视角,鼓励和促使两性平等发展。中国香港特别行政区政府致力于促进香港妇女的福祉和权益,并于2001年1月成立了妇女事务委员会(以下简称“妇委会”),主要负责就香港妇女事务发展的长远策略向政府提供意见,其使命是促使女性在生活各方面充分获得应有的地位、权利及机会。妇委会认为采用性别观点主流化是促进妇女权益及两性平等的主要策略之一。因此积极倡议政府推行性别观点主流化。本篇根据香港妇委会编写的《性别观点主流化——香港经验》(www.women.gov.hk),就妇委会推行性别观点主流化的实践经验作以介绍,以供参考。立了妇女事务委员会(以下简称“妇委会”),主要负责就香港妇女事务发展的长远策略向政府提供意见,其使命是促使女性在生活各方面充分获得应有的地位、权利及机会。妇委会认为采用性别观点主流化是促进妇女权益及两性平等的主要策略之一。因此积极倡议政府推行性别观点主流化。本篇根据香港妇委会编写的《性别观点主流化——香港经验》(www.womengov.hk),就妇委会推行性别观点主流化的实践经验作以介绍,以供参考。 The Program of Action adopted at the Fourth UN World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995, points out that the adoption of a gender perspective is a global strategy of achieving gender equality. Since then, many countries and regions have adopted the concept of gender mainstreaming by incorporating a gender perspective into their decision-making process to encourage and promote gender equality. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government of China is committed to promoting the well-being and rights of Hong Kong women. In January 2001, the Program of Action passed at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 pointed out that the mainstreaming of a gender perspective was A global strategy of achieving gender equality. Since then, many countries and regions have adopted the concept of gender mainstreaming by incorporating a gender perspective into their decision-making process to encourage and promote gender equality. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government of China is committed to promoting the well-being and rights of women in Hong Kong. In January 2001, the Women’s Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “Women’s Commission”) was set up to advise the government on the long-term strategy for the development of women’s affairs in Hong Kong. Its mission is to promote women’s full enjoyment of their due status, rights and opportunities in all aspects of life. The Commission considers the adoption of a gender perspective as one of the main strategies for promoting women’s rights and gender equality. Therefore, we actively advocate the government to promote gender mainstreaming. Based on the “Gender Mainstreaming in Gender - Hong Kong Experience” (www.women.gov.hk) prepared by the Hong Kong Women’s Commission, this section provides an introduction on the practical experience of implementing the gender mainstreaming by WoC. The Women’s Commission (hereinafter referred to as “Women’s Commission”) is established to advise the government on the long-term strategy for the development of women’s affairs in Hong Kong. Its mission is to promote women’s full enjoyment of their status, rights and opportunities in all aspects of life. The Commission considers the adoption of a gender perspective as one of the main strategies for promoting women’s rights and gender equality. Therefore, we actively advocate the government to promote gender mainstreaming. Based on the “Gender Mainstreaming in Gender - Hong Kong Experience” (www.womengov.hk) prepared by the Hong Kong Women’s Commission, this section provides an introduction to the practical experience of the UN Women in mainstreaming a gender perspective.
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