赴英国留学的西登岚,学成回国后,接替父亲纳拉亚恩,使他经营不善的一家公司一跃成为国内首屈一指的实业公司,并以她的芳名命名。优越的社会地位,使其染上独断专行、骄奢蛮横的恶习,弄得人人憎恶、怨声载道。在家中,她说一不二,她的双亲也惧她三分,忍气吞声、惶惶不可终日。 某日,西登岚在机场,与一个叫拉珠的男子撞个满怀,她出口不逊、盛气凌人。拉珠不甘示弱,反唇相讥、据理力争。对此,她耿耿于怀。 拉珠是个大孝子,是专程回来探亲
After studying in England, she returned to China and replaced his father, Narayan, to turn his poorly run company into a domestic first-class industrial company and named her her name. Superior social status, make it an arbitrary, arrogant and rude abuse, confuse everyone, complaining. At home, she said one thing, her parents are also afraid of her one-third, swallow, panic. One day, Xideng Lan at the airport, with a man named Lazhu hit a full, she exports not aggressive, domineering. Pull beads outdone, anti-ridicule, justify. In this regard, she is embarrassed. Pearl beads is a big filial son, is a special trip back to visit relatives