“五星红旗迎风飘扬,胜利歌声多么响亮。歌唱我们亲爱的祖国,从今走向繁荣富强……”这歌声对每个中国人来说,太熟悉了。近半世纪来,《歌唱祖国》的乐曲响遍了中华大地。她寄寓着每个炎黄子孙对于祖国母亲的无限深情,她唱出了走向明天的中国人民的共同的心声。 《歌唱祖国》的词曲作者王莘,出生在无锡荡口镇的一个农民家庭,现已81岁高龄。在他勤奋创作的3000多首歌曲中,他把自己对党和祖国、人民的爱,化为一个个音符,谱写出一首首时代的颂歌。他曾说过:“《歌唱祖国》这支歌,是从我的心底里呼喊出来的!”
“The five-star red flag fluttered in the wind and the vocality of the vocals was very loud.” Singing our dear motherland and moving from prosperity to prosperity ... “This song is too familiar to every Chinese. For nearly half a century, ”singing the motherland,“ the music rhythmed all over China. She embraced the infinite affectionate affinities of her Chinese descendants for her motherland and she uttered the common aspiration of the Chinese people toward tomorrow. Wang Xin, songwriter of ”Singing the Motherland,“ was born in Wuxi, a town farmer’s family and is now 81 years old. In his hard-working 3,000-plus songs, he turned his love of the party, motherland and people into one note and wrote a first-era carols. He once said: ”The song“ Singing Motherland ”is shouted from my heart!