柑桔在一年中经过挂果和几次抽发新梢,树体营养消耗较多,如果不及时补充足够的养分,将会导致大量落叶,造成翌年严重减产甚至失收。因此,早施秋肥是确保柑桔安全越冬,为翌年再夺高产打基础的关键技术措施。 秋肥早施,要做到“果未下树,肥先入园”。在采果前6~10天重施秋肥,既可防止采果后失水卷叶,又能使树势恢复快,花芽分化早而壮,并可有效地防止翌年花期因异常气候引起的大量落花落果。此次施肥不仅需要施用大量的速效氮肥,而且还需要施用大量的有机肥。劳力紧张的可先在采果前施速效氮肥,采果后立即施有机肥。速效氮肥施用时应沿树冠滴水线开宽30厘米、深30厘米的环形沟均匀施入,并要看树定量施用:挂果
Citrus fruit in the year through the fruiting and several pumping new shoots, tree nutrition consumption more, if not enough nutrients, will result in a large number of leaves, resulting in serious cuts the following year or even lost. Therefore, early application of autumn fertilizer is to ensure the safety of citrus overwinter, the next year to re-take the key to high-yielding technical measures. Autumn fertilizer early Shi, to be “fruit is not under the tree, fertilizer first admission.” In the first 6 to 10 days before picking fruit re-implementation of autumn and winter, not only to prevent the loss of water after the fruit roll, but also to restore the fast tree potential, flower bud early and strong differentiation, and can effectively prevent flowering next year due to abnormal weather caused A large number of flowers fall and fall fruit. The fertilization not only requires the application of large amounts of available nitrogen fertilizer, but also requires the application of large amounts of organic fertilizer. Tensile labor force can be applied before the quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, organic fertilizer immediately after picking fruit. Quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer should be applied along the crown drip line width 30 cm, 30 cm deep annular groove evenly applied, and to see the tree quantitative application: fruiting