当法国马赛商学院和波尔多商学院合并成立KEDGE商学院之时,原马赛商学院副院长米歇尔·古泽兹(Michel Gutsatz)教授如释重负,这次的合并让KEDGE商学院的综合排名跻身全法第二,而在马赛本已强势的品牌课程之外,又加入了红酒、食品供应链和设计等全法排名第一的课程,“这证明了规模是有意义的。”米歇尔不忘自豪一下。企业的分分合合都是应势而动,商学院也不例外。如今商学院正面临全球化、市场竞争和创新的教学方法这三大挑战。KEDGE在十年前就来到中国,有自己的校园,但是仅有实体是不够的,商学院的竞争还
When Marseille and Bordeaux merged to form KEDGE, Prof. Michel Gutsatz, former dean of the Marseille School of Business, was relieved. This merger put KEDGE’s comprehensive rank among the top Second in the whole law, and in addition to the already strong brand courses in Marseilles, we have also added the top-ranked courses in the overall law of wine, food supply chain and design, “which proves the significance of the scale.” Sheryl forget pride. The division and cooperation of enterprises are all in response. Business schools are no exception. Business schools are now facing three major challenges of globalization, market competition and innovative teaching methods. KEDGE came to China ten years ago, has its own campus, but only the entity is not enough, the competition in business schools also