In recent years, I use the method of promoting blood circulation to treat upper gastrointestinal bleeding, obtained more satisfactory results. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding belongs to the motherland medicine “vomiting blood”, “blood in the stool (black)” range. The etiology and pathogenesis of “hematemesis” and “blood in the stool” are quite complicated. There are different external and internal injuries, and the difference between cold and heat. In addition to the stomach, viscera also involves spleen, liver, kidney and heart. However, from hematemesis, blood in the stool (black) pathological changes, then with the blood stasis. Because as long as bleeding, there are stasis. Hematemesis, blood in the stool (black) “The blood is not gone through, where the Department of blood from the blood, and honor the blood of the whole body has been banned and not.” “That is, the blood from the blood to update the blood is also stasis ”, Not only blood clots, black stasis. At the same time bleeding is meridian