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对于中国学者来说,自1840年鸦片战争以后西学东渐以来,东西方文化或中西方文化比较的问题一直是经久不衰的话题。在长期的讨论中形成了名称相异实质相同的三大派别,即中国本位文化派、西化派和折衷调和派,但三种现点并非三足鼎立。中国本位文化派虽曾雄踞一时,但因其夜郎自大而日益失去市场;西化派虽然具有很强的震撼力,但因其缺乏理论的阐释而一直不为国人所接受。相反,只有主张折衷调和的文化相对主义因其貌似公允而一直占居主导地位,即便今日也是如此。东西方文化比较研究的这种状况会改变吗?东西方文化比较研究的这种状况应该改变吗?本刊去年第1—4期发表了顾乃忠教授关于“东西方文化比较研究”的系列文章,提出应该运用文化形态学的方法而不是按编年史的时间顺序进行东西方文化比较的方法论问题,并在此基础上系统地论述了东西方文化差异的实质在于时间差的观点。顾文发表以后,学界产生了各种反响,支持者有之,批评者有之,补正者亦有之。为了将这一讨论深入下去,本刊拟在今年的“文化研究”栏目中开展关于“东西方文化比较及其方法论研究”的“笔谈”,突出对东西方文化比较的方法论讨论,即究竟应该运用什么方法进行东西方文化比较。欢迎专家、学者撰写短文(4000字左? For Chinese scholars, the issue of the comparison of eastern and western cultures or between Chinese and Western cultures has been an everlasting topic since the East OpElation after the Opium War in 1840. In the course of the long discussions, three major factions with the same or different name are formed: the Chinese-based cultural school, the westernized school and the eclectic reconciliation school. However, the three existing points are not tripartite confrontation. Although the Chinese-based cultural school once dominated the country, its market became increasingly lost due to its arrogant pride. Although the Westernization School is very powerful, it has not been accepted by the Chinese people because of its lack of theoretical explanations. On the contrary, only cultural relativism, which advocates eclecticism, has dominated even the seemingly fair one, even today. Will this situation of East-West comparative study change? This situation of comparative study of Eastern and Western cultures should change? In the last issue 1-4 of this year, Professor Gu Naizhong published a series of articles on Comparative Studies of Eastern and Western Cultures, proposing that the methodology of cultural morphology should be applied instead of the methodological comparison of Eastern and Western cultures in chronological order On the basis of this, it systematically expounds that the essence of cultural difference between East and West lies in time difference. After the publication of Gu Wen, the academics have had various responses, supporters have, critics have, corrections also have. In order to deepen this discussion, we intend to conduct a “writing review” on “Cultural Studies” and “Methodological Studies on Eastern and Western Cultures” in this year’s edition of “Cultural Studies”, highlighting the methodological discussion on the comparison of Eastern and Western cultures, that is, What method is used to compare East and West culture? Welcome experts and scholars to write short essays (4000 words left?
本报综合消息据11月19日美国国家广播公司(NBC)消息,美元上“我们信仰上帝”(In God We Trust)这句格言存在了50年,人们对此习以为常,可是美国无神论者迈克尔·纽道却一直对
目的 探讨尿激酶经导管溶栓(UK-CDT)治疗髂股静脉血栓形成(LEDVT)失败后的介入补救方案.方法 搜集采用UK-CDT治疗的LEDVT患者343例,其中UK-CDT治疗成功和失败分别为281例和62