Administrative punishment refers to a kind of legal sanction imposed by a specific state administrative organ on the administrative counterpart who violates the administrative laws and regulations.The administrative punishment must be implemented in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.Inductively unfair administrative punishment is not obviously violated in the form of law But in practice a larger proportion of the specific performance: 1. The same situation different penalties. In the same situation when the implementation of administrative penalties, the state organs from the lighter to the citizens, On the citizen A light on the citizen B from the weight; to sit on the house from the light foreign 来人 weight; on the “relationship” from light to no “relationship ”, and so on .2 the same punishment in different situations. There are statutory light from the light of the circumstances and can not be fixed from the light of the circumstances, from the statutory heavy conditions and festivals from the heavy section of the lawful from the heavy plot and the law from the light of the plot, the attitude of good and bad, bad for big