随着社会改革开放和商品经济的迅速发 展,经济犯罪活动逐年增加,文件检验领域 中的笔迹鉴定也迅速增加,在这其中有一部 分是经过充分练习的、高质量的摹仿笔迹以 及个人恶意摹仿别人笔迹。这样,利用传统 的特征比对方法对其进行检验鉴定具有一定 的局限性,一些案件由于受鉴定人的知识水 平、经验等主观因素的影响,出现各鉴定人
With the rapid development of social reform and opening up and the development of the commodity economy, economic crimes have been increasing year by year, and the number of handwriting identification in the field of document inspection has also risen rapidly. Part of this has been well-practiced, high-quality imitation handwriting and malicious imitation of others Handwriting. In this way, the use of traditional methods of feature comparison to test its identification has its limitations, in some cases because of the knowledge of the expert’s knowledge, experience and other subjective factors, the emergence of each expert