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山东省牟平县电业局,1997年在养马岛镇进行了农村电费电价统管及用电村供电设施代管试点,效果明显,政府、农民、电业部门三满意。1 主要做法1.1 农村电费电价统一管理。全镇实行统一电价,各类电价标准由电业局、物价局根据国家电价政策和电力设施规定的损耗标准,在不突破最高限价和不增加农民负担的前提下制定。供电所将农村电费收取工作纳入所内统一管理,直接抄表到户。村电工持供电所微机打印的统一发票收取电费,电费全部交供电所。供电所按各村收取的电费单独立户进行统管,各村不得以任何理由自行开单收费。1.2 供电设施统一代管。用电村原有的低压供电设施隶属关系不变,由供电所对其实行代管,全面负责低压设备日常维护、检修、运行管理工作。2 主要优点2.l 实行全镇统一价格,减少了村与村之间因电价高低不同而造成的互相攀比现象,使群众心里有了平 The Electric Power Bureau of Chiping County, Shandong Province, in 1997, carried out the rural electricity price regulation and the electricity supply facilities sponsored pilots in Yangmadao Town. The effect was obvious, and the government, farmers, and electric power sectors were satisfied. 1 The main practice 1.1 Rural electricity tariff unified management. The whole town adopts a uniform electricity price, and all kinds of electricity price standards are formulated by the Electric Power Bureau and the Price Bureau in accordance with the national electricity price policy and the loss standards prescribed by the electric power facilities, without breaching the ceiling price and without increasing the burden on farmers. The power supply station will integrate rural electricity fee collection into the unified management of the institute and directly copy the meter to the household. The village electrician took the unified invoice printed by the microcomputer of the power supply station to collect the electricity fee, and all the electricity fees were paid to the power supply station. The electricity supply station shall manage the electricity bills charged by each village according to the individual fees. Individual villages shall not charge for billing by themselves for any reason. 1.2 Unified power supply facilities are managed. The original low-voltage power supply facilities of the village will not change their affiliation, and they will be managed by the power supply station and will be responsible for the daily maintenance, overhaul and operation management of the low-voltage equipment. 2 Main advantages 2.l The implementation of uniform prices in the whole town has reduced the phenomenon of mutual comparisons between villages and villages due to the difference in electricity prices, and has made the hearts of the people flat.
贵州铝厂在“八五”期间以2千余万元科研资金及3.5亿元的技改资金投入,取得了获益2.06亿元及工业产值每年递增2亿元的成果。 Guizhou Aluminum Plant invested RMB 200 million in res
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山东省平阴县电业局为了更好地为全县经济发展,人民生产、生活供好电,服好务,向全县人民开展供电服务“110”指标承诺活动。1 凡用户用电遇到困难时,请及时联系,将给予热情
依法治国是我国法制建设的一项基本治国方略,早已写入我国宪法当中。本文以我国传统文化的思考为切入,就礼治与法治的对立、现代意义及其结合展开探讨。 Governing the coun