遗传性共济失调(Friedreich 共济失调)的生化基础不明,但可伴有丙酮酸脱氢酶复合体的缺乏,提示胆硷能机制的损害可引起本症。本文报告12例用卵磷脂治疗的双盲交叉试验。受试者是在爱丁堡神经病诊所确诊的12例遗传性共济失调患者。年龄平均18.8(11~30)岁,平均发病7.7年(6个月~20年)。治疗前对病人作评价。每隔2周对发音困难和共济失调进行一组临床试验。包括测定写字时间、画螺旋形、使用简单实验室细胞计数器测定快速重复手指运动。对每个病人每项试验分级和打分数。说话也由治疗者隔月独自作出评价。每日记
The genetic basis of ataxia (Friedreich’s ataxia) is unclear, but may be associated with a deficiency of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, suggesting that cholinergic damage can cause this disorder. This article reports 12 double-blind crossover trials with lecithin. Subjects were diagnosed as atypical ataxia in 12 cases of ataxia patients. The average age of 18.8 (11 to 30) years old, the average incidence of 7.7 years (6 months to 20 years). Evaluation of patients before treatment. A series of clinical trials of dysarthria and ataxia occurs every 2 weeks. Including the determination of writing time, painted spiral, the use of simple laboratory cytometry fast repeat finger movement. Grading and scoring of each trial for each patient. Talking is also given by the therapist every other month for evaluation. Daily diary