0引言2006年5月,总装机容量33 MW的波斯塔那水电站在斯洛文尼亚投入运行。这是在该国首次使用了环境可兼容性液压油的水电站,斯洛文尼亚国家电力生产股份公司(HSE)将采购于盘纳林公司的可降解性润滑油应用于电站的5孔弧形闸门的液压系统中。1选择环境友好的润滑油水电在斯洛文
0 Introduction In May 2006, the Positano hydroelectric power station with a total installed capacity of 33 MW was put into operation in Slovenia. This is the first hydropower plant in the country to use environmentally compatible hydraulic fluids. Slovenia’s State Power Production Company (HSE) will apply Panalin’s biodegradable lubricant to hydraulically operated 5-hole radial gates System. 1 Choose Environmentally Friendly Lubricants Hydropower in Slovenia