
来源 :矿业研究与开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bobogu
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在考虑层状岩石热力学参数随温度变化以及温度作用下岩石的热弹塑性本构方程的基础下,利用有限元软件ANSYS对煤炭地下气化高温作用下煤层顶底板的温度场和应力场进行了研究,对比了弹性状态和弹塑性状态下的岩石的应力场分布情况。通过对比分析发现,当温度达到300℃以上时,线弹性状态与弹塑性状态下得到热应力之间的误差为30%,1000℃以上误差接近100%。这充分说明在高温情况下不能忽略岩石的非线性特性,否则温度的升高会使地下工程中岩石计算应力与实际情况产生很大差异。 Based on the thermo-elasto-plastic constitutive equations of thermodynamics and rock under the influence of temperature, the temperature field and stress field of roof and floor of coal seam under the action of underground gasification and high temperature of coal are studied by finite element software ANSYS Study and compare the stress field distribution of rock under elastic and elasto-plastic conditions. Through the comparative analysis, it is found that when the temperature reaches 300 ℃ or above, the error between linear elastic state and elastic stress state is 30%, and the error above 1000 ℃ is close to 100%. This fully shows that the nonlinear characteristics of rocks can not be neglected at high temperature, otherwise the temperature will make underground calculation of rock stress greatly different from the actual situation.
Metalla-aromatics are analogues of conventional organic aromatic molecules in which one of the CH groups is formally replaced by an isolobal transition-metal fr
本文就我院近二年来,老干部糖耐量检查结果与高血压、冠心病、脑血管病的关系进行初步的分析如下: 资料与方法 对象:1992年6月至1994年1月,采用随机抽样的方法,对我科住院
The effect of multipole resonance in the interaction between a spherical metallic nanoparticle(MNP) and an emitting dipole is studied with the Mie theory. The r