Tooth disease is a common cause of head and neck infections, timely dental treatment controls the vast majority of odontogenic infections. Some of the odontogenic infections have spread, forming an abscess in the adjacent fascia, with proper drainage, and most cases can recover. A small number of odontogenic infections can occur violent outbreaks of infection, leading to more complications and even death. This outbreak of odontogenic infections initially manifests itself as interstitial infection with three major types: 1. Respiratory obstruction; 2. Necrotizing fasciitis; 3. Rapid spread to adjacent areas such as the orbital, intracranial, mediastinum, and chest . Respiratory symptoms are the most common complication of head and neck infections and are typically associated with Ludwig's angina, an odontogenic infection that penetrates the lingual cortical bone of the mandible from the mandibular molars and inflates into both sublingual, submandibular, Submental space, edema in these areas elevates the tongue and falls, causing obstruction of the airways. Odontogenic orbital infection or blindness caused by the same side of the maxillary sinusitis or ethmoid sinusitis caused by maxillary molar root apex