
来源 :教育发展研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiamflying
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单从某些局部因素出发去改进薄弱学校的尝试往往是很难成功的。为此,本文选取了H中学作为个案,以学校作为改进单元运用质的研究方法进行了深入的研究。研究发现:学校改进是外驱力和内驱力共同作用的结果,在学校改进的不同时期内外驱力所起的作用是不同的;影响学校改进的主要因素包括学校制度的改进、关爱共同体的形成、校长的领导力、教师专业成长、环境建设、教育资源的共享等。薄弱学校改进的过程为学校自身发展、外部合作者和决策者提供了多方面启示。 Attempts to improve weak schools solely from certain local factors are often difficult to succeed. To this end, this article selects H secondary schools as a case study, the school as a unit to improve the quality of research methods conducted in-depth study. The study found that school improvement is the result of the combination of drive and internal drive, and the role of external drive in different periods of school improvement is different. The main factors that affect school improvement include the improvement of school system and caring community Formation, the principal’s leadership, teacher professional growth, environmental construction, education resources sharing. The process of weak school improvement has provided many enlightenments for the development of the school itself, external partners and decision-makers.
积极应对变化的环境  如果要求用一个词来形容我们所生活的环境,相信许多人一定会想到“变化莫测”这个词。“马走日,象走田”,世间万物都按照自己的轨道各行其是,同时又彼此碰撞,一方面使得我们因眼前的纷繁景象而感叹世界的多彩,另一方面又因难以把握复杂的现实生活而隐隐沮丧。我们根本不知道明天会发生什么,如果这些不确定发生的事情是中奖、受表扬、保送名校什么的还好,但事实上,明天发生的事儿可能是丢钱、受伤、考