开辟兴水门路 发展网箱养鱼

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1991年岳阳县共发展网箱1000口,投放大规格草鱼种30万尾,计重3万公斤。预计年底可产鱼250—300吨,产值100—120万元,除去成本开支,可获纯利45万元。网箱养鱼户户平可增加纯收入500元。如毛田乡1991年发展网箱250口,投放鱼种6500公斤,预计可产鲜鱼62500公斤。该乡不仅网箱数量发展快,而且还涌现出了一批高产箱,该乡赵塅村村民周石金的一口高产箱,年初投放大规格的草鱼种700尾,计重190公斤,他利用责任田及旱地种植青饲料2.5亩,现网箱草鱼每尾达到1.25—1.5公斤,预计年底产鱼可突破1000公斤。大塅乡小堳村全村106户人家,已发展网箱79口,成为我县发展网箱数量最多的一个村。回顾我县的网箱养鱼工作,我们主要抓了三件事: In 1991, a total of 1000 cages were developed in Yueyang County. 300,000 large-sized grass carp species were put into operation, weighing 30,000 kg. It is estimated that 250-300 tons of fish can be produced by the end of the year with the output value of 100-120 million yuan and net profit of 450,000 yuan excluding cost and expenses. Cage fish farming households can increase net income of 500 yuan. For instance, Mao Tian Township developed 250 cages in 1991 and put 6,500 kilograms of fish species. It is estimated that 62,500 kilograms of fresh fish can be produced. The township is not only the rapid development of the number of cages, but also emerged a number of high-yield boxes, the village Zhao Zhaoxian villagers Zhou Shijin a high-yield box, put large-sized grass carp species 700, weighing 190 kilograms, And 2.5 hectares of green forage are planted in the dry land. The net cages of grass carp reach 1.25-1.5 kilograms each. The end of the year is expected to exceed 1000 kilograms of fish. Dazha Township Xiaocun village 106 households, has developed 79 cages, as the county development of the largest number of cages a village. Recalling the county’s cage fish farming, we mainly caught three things:
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