针对部分专家认为非典只对部分行业造成影响的观点,中国改革基金会国民经济研究所所长樊纲近日在《文汇报》撰文提醒,要充分估计非典的滞后影响。 非典的经济影响简单地说就是抑制需求,减少经济活动,既减少消费活动,直接受到伤害的人数很少,但如果其传染得不到控制,行为受到影响的人群会非常大。它其实对各行各业都有影响;不仅对消费有影响,对投资也有影响。
In view of some experts’ view that SARS affects only some industries, Fan Gang, director of the National Economic Research Institute of China Reform Foundation, recently reminded Wen Wei Po that the lag effect of SARS should be fully estimated. The economic impact of atypical pneumonia is simply to curb demand and reduce economic activity. In addition to reducing consumption activities, the number of people who are harmed directly is very small. However, if the infection is not controlled, the people affected by the behavior will be very large. It actually affects all walks of life; it has an impact not only on consumption but also on investment.