惊悉美国哈佛大学帕特里克·韩南(Patrick Hanan)教授于今年4月26日过世的消息,我心情一直难以平静。20余年间与韩南先生交往的往事一桩桩重显眼前。容我简述一二,略表对先生的追思和感恩。1998—99学年,我在哈佛大学亚当斯学院任驻院导师。韩南先生这时已是东亚系荣休教授。一天,我如约来到东亚系为他在哈佛—燕京图书馆旁保留的办公室会面。谈了一阵后,他起身从书橱中小心翼翼地抽出
I was shocked by the news of Professor Patrick Hanan of Harvard University who died on April 26 this year. I feel that it has been hard to calm down. Over the past 20 years and Mr. Hannan contacts past one after another heavy emphasis. My brief description of one or two, a brief summary of Mr. memorial and gratitude. In the 1998-99 school year, I was a resident mentor at Adams College at Harvard University. Mr. Hannan is now an emeritus professor of East Asia. One day, I came to East Asia as an appointment to meet for the office he kept at the Harvard-Yanjing Library. After a while, he got up and carefully pulled out of the bookcase