在今年四月举办的吕胜中第二次剪纸艺术展上,一位外宾不胜感慨:“中国的马蒂斯!”吕胜中答道:“我不是中国的马蒂斯,我是中国的吕胜中!”这话自尊却并非狂妄,中国艺术家正在构筑自己独立的东方现代艺术大厦,尽管还在奠基。 发展中国美术的取道方式,可借用鲁迅的高明见地:“采用外国的良规,加以发挥,使我们的作品更加丰满,是一条路;择取中国的遗产,融合新机,使将来的作品别开生面,也是一条路。”(《华盖集》)前者可称之为“借石攻玉”,后者可称之为
At the second paper-cutting art exhibition organized by Lv Shengzhong in April this year, a foreign guest wondered: “China’s Matisse!” Lv Shengzhong replied: “I am not China’s Matisse. I am Lv Shengzhong of China.” Words of self-esteem are not arrogant. Chinese artists are building their own independent oriental modern art building, albeit still laid the foundation stone. It is one way to develop the art of Chinese art by borrowing Lu Xun’s wisdom: “Using foreign good laws and giving play to our work is more fullness. It is our journey to take China’s heritage and integrate new ones so that future works will be unveiled , Is also a way. ”(“ CapitaLand ”) The former can be called“ stone jade ”, the latter can be called