本案是法国蒙彼利埃“21世纪装饰性建筑活动(Architectural Folly)”的第二个项目方案,由著名建筑师藤本壮介(Sou Fujimoto)、法国本土设机构公司Manal Rachdi OXO和Nicolas Laisne建筑事务所联合设计。这个全新多功能大厦叫做白树(Arbre Blanc),包括住房、餐厅、艺术画廊、办公室、酒吧和全景观赏的综合区域。而设计师的灵感来自于蒙彼利埃悠闲的生活方式和丰富多彩的户外文化传统。
This case study is the second project of Montpellier, France, “Architectural Folly” 21, featuring the famous architect Sou Fujimoto, the French local firm Manal Rachdi OXO and Nicolas Laisne Architects Joint Design. This brand new multi-purpose building is called the Arbre Blanc and includes an integrated area of houses, restaurants, art galleries, offices, bars and panoramic views. The designer’s inspiration comes from Montpellier’s laid-back lifestyle and colorful outdoor cultural traditions.