
来源 :语数外学习(语文教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong476
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古诗词是中国古代文学的精髓,是中华民族五千年长河中珍贵的文化产物,是语文教育学习的资源宝库。时至今日,在现行的小学教材中,古诗教学内容仍然占据着相当大的比重,教好古诗词对培养学生文学素养和丰富学生的情感体验有着重要作用。然而现实中小学语文古诗词教学仍然存在诸多问题:着重诗词的背诵,忽视对学习兴趣的激发;着重诗词内容的讲解,忽视诗词意境的理解;着重文字翻译,忽视了古诗词的文学鉴赏……作为一名语文教师,在教学古诗文时让学生轻松、愉悦、自然地感受古诗文的魅力,是我们语文教师在所不辞的责任。而且在新课程理念教学中不断的推广和改进,也对我们提出了更高的要求。从教十余年,笔者结合实际经验,就新课改下的古诗词教学方法谈一谈自己的见解。 Ancient poetry is the essence of ancient Chinese literature, is a valuable cultural product of the five thousand years of the Chinese nation, is a treasure house of resources for language education learning. Today, in the current primary school textbooks, the content of ancient poetry still occupies a large proportion of teaching ancient poems to cultivate students’ literary accomplishment and enrich the emotional experience of students plays an important role. However, there are still many problems existing in the teaching of ancient Chinese poems in primary and secondary schools: focusing on the recitation of poems, ignoring the excitement of learning interest; emphasizing the explanation of the content of poems, ignoring the understanding of the artistic conceptions of poetry; emphasizing the translation of words and ignoring the literary appreciation of ancient poems. As a language teacher, when teaching ancient poetry and writing, letting students feel relaxed, cheerful and naturally feel the charm of ancient poetry and writing is our language teacher’s unqualified responsibility. But also in the new concept of teaching continuous promotion and improvement of teaching, but also put forward higher requirements for us. Teach from more than ten years, the author combined with practical experience, the new lesson under the ancient poetry teaching methods to talk about their own opinions.
Four metal oxide catalysts composed of copper(Cu), stannum(Sn), copper-stannum(Cu-Sn) and copper-cerium(Cu-Ce) respectively were prepared by the co-impregnation
教育家陶行知提出中国现在的教育是关起门来干的,只有思想,但是却缺乏行动,这种教育是死教育,不是行动的教育。随着语文课程改革的不断推行,不少教师注意到要将生活和语文教学结合起来,让学生展开“活”阅读。学生联系生活感受阅读,进而提高阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面。教师在教学中要积极探究生活阅读的内涵,进而促使学生提高语文核心素养。自由的,遵从内心意愿  教育家別林斯基认为阅读不适合自己的书,比不阅读更坏。教师在
1  年仅4岁的江西上饶女孩雯雯(化名)从1岁零3个多月开始,便跟着父母徒步旅行,去的多是山区和边境地区。雯雯每天平均要走15公里,最多时一天走30公里,天黑了就地露营或在村民家借宿。目前,雯雯已经跟着爸爸妈妈走遍了大半个中国。雯雯的父母说,不打算让孩子上幼儿园,在上小学以前会继续走下去。由此,雯雯也被称作“中国最小背包客”。  【写作点睛】雯雯父母的这种做法可赞同亦可说不,不论怎样都要有论述来支
两脚离合是指为防止利用没有同步器的传统变速器换档致使齿轮被打坏而采取的操纵措施。 驾龄稍长的驾驶员都知道,解放CA10B型汽车变速器由于没有同步器,汽车换档时,常常因变
对早产儿 6 7例 72次采用 1.9Fr规格导管行置管术。结果穿刺贵要静脉 4 9例次 ,正中静脉 15例次 ,头静脉 7例次 ,大隐静脉 1例次 ,经贵要、正中、头静脉穿刺插管导管顶端到达上
Four 2-(α-hydroxyalkyl)-2-oxazolines and a 2-(α-hydroxy-α,α-diphenyl)-2-benzooxazole were synthesized from β-amimoalcohols and α-hydroxy carboxylic acids
Four ternary solid complexes were synthesized with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaEt2dtc) (b), 1,10-phenanthroline (o-phen) (c) and hydrated lanthanide chlori