
来源 :中国优生与遗传杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herangxu
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The relationship between hypothermal newborn and obstetric factor was studied.673 cases of newborn temperature were determinated regularly during 48 hours after brith by measurement of axillary temperature in order that observated the degree of decreased temperature and the time of restoring normalty.With obstetric factor,newborn under 36℃ accounted for 74.92%.Newborn with obstetric factor whom temperature did not reach 36℃ following day accounted for 82.29%.the temperature of premature and infant of low?birth weight after birth were all under or equivalent to 35℃.The newborn by cesaren section whom temperature were under or equivalent to 35℃ accounted for 66.11%,which there was significant difference(P<0.01) contrast to ones by vaginal delivery.It is a key link in decreasing morbility rate of hypothermal newborn that actively remedy obstetric factor. The relationship between hypothermal newborn and obstetric factor was studied.673 cases of newborn temperature were determinated regularly during 48 hours after brith by measurement of axillary temperature in order that observated the degree of decreased temperature and the time of restoring normalty .With obstetric factor, newborn under 36 ° C for 74.92%. Newborn with obstetric factor whom temperature did not reach 36.29% the following day accounted for 82.29%. the temperature of premature and infant of low? birth weight after birth were all under or equivalent to 35 ° C. by cesaren section whom temperature were under or equivalent 35.1% for 66.11%, which was significant difference (P <0.01) contrast to ones by vaginal delivery. It is a key link in decreasing morbility rate of hypothermal newborn that actively remedy obstetric factor.
卵巢肿瘤出现腹水,往往是恶性的表现,故当良性卵巢肿瘤伴腹水时,易误诊为恶性肿瘤。1980~1997年,我院共收治良性卵巢肿瘤伴腹水病人17例,现报告如下。临床资料 本组病人17例,年龄21~72岁。其中16例系卵
计划去厦门已经计划了很久,但是真正实施却不过用了一个星期的时间。四天的时间,说长不长,说短也不短,但想要真正的感受到这个城市的美丽却似乎还是差了那么一些时候。    迷失·鼓浪屿  鼓浪屿是与厦门岛相邻的小岛,隶属厦门市。行至鼓浪屿,首先要到厦门轮渡码头买一张过岛的船票。若想要真正的感受鼓浪屿的魅力,一定要住在鼓浪屿上。鼓浪屿形形色色的家庭旅馆早已经成为了一道风景,尽管在这里已经有了远赴盛名的娜娜
摘要 礼敬门神是中华民族每逢过春节、辞旧岁、迎新年的重要习俗。家宅平安如意,避凶禳祸牵挂维系着每一家人的安危,所以士庶百姓礼敬“门神”、重宅院的风俗流传不衰。它作为古代的原始崇拜和民间风俗,历史悠久源远流长,是汉民族文化积淀的折射和民族心理的延续与发展,也是民族本位文化意识的延伸。它具有完美的、富有民族传统的艺术形式,表达了人们欲求吉祥,向往美好生活的愿望。  关键词:礼敬门神 汉民族文化 流变