The Ukrainian republics, where the Soviet furniture industry is rich, hold a sample order meeting every year. You can learn about the market information of Ukrainian furniture through the lines between the newspapers reported in the Su issue. The total production of furniture in the Ukrainian Republic in 1980 was 989 million roubles, and its Chinese-run enterprises produced only 257 million roubles. In 1981, the total production of furniture was 1.048 billion rubles, and state-owned enterprises accounted for 349 million rubles. In 1982, it planned to produce 1.075 billion roubles, and the state-run industry would account for 397 million roubles. It is not difficult to see that the state production only accounts for 1/4 to 1/3 of the production. The production arrangement in 1982 was: 313,000 sets of living room furniture, 126,000 sets of bedroom furniture, 55,000 sets of children’s furniture, and 73,500 sets of kitchen furniture. . In May 1982, in the central city of Ukrainian Republic, Uzh