目的评价不同糖代谢状态人群血浆可溶性CD36(sCD36)水平的差异,分析sCD36与炎性反应、血糖、血脂等指标的相关性。方法 2011年3月—2012年1月选取上海市浦东新区川沙、合庆及
Peripheral nerve injuries affect a wide range of functional,manual and social function,and frequently lead to constant disabilities.After complete transection o
例1:男,25岁,因斗殴被人用五针钢叉刺入颈部,短暂昏迷后有右侧肢体痉挛,3小时后急送我院.检查:右颈部见一钢叉插入固定(钢叉各针间距为1.5 cm),右侧肢体肌力0级,肌张力增高,
The repair of long-segment peripheral nerve defects is obviously a difficult clinical problem.For short-segment nerve defects (less than four times the diameter
The brachial plexus is the web connection center for connecting the limb effector to motor neurons of the brain and anterior h of the spinal cord.Brachial plexu
Peripheral nerve defects are a common disabling injury.Peripheral nerve injuries arise from trauma,cancer,or congenital defects,and are challenging clinical iss
Electroactive materials are mixed ionic-electronic conductors that can become electrical conductors by reversible ion exchange in the oxidation-reduction state.
线叶龙胆Gentiana farreri Balf.f为龙胆科龙胆属植物,以全草人药,称高山龙胆。性味苦寒,人肝胆经,具有清热燥湿,清火定惊之功,用于湿热黄疸、喉痛、眼睛赤目,阴囊肿痛,胆囊炎等证。目前商品流通均为野生品,无栽培品种。市场上多以三江源土特产销售,商品名:玉美人。广泛分布于青甘藏高原,生于高山草甸、山谷草滩,海拔3050-4800米。主要产于青海玉树、刚察、玛多、玛沁、泽库、河南、湟
Following peripheral nerve injury,distal and proximal fibers undergo a series of changes in cell and molecular biology that can result in hypoesthesia,neuropath