肺出血—肾炎综合征虽在1919年Goodpastur—e就有报导,但直至1967年Lerner证实本病为抗肾小球基膜抗伴型肾炎后,才对此症的实质有了较深入的了解。本病多见于青年男性,以反复肺出血、贫血及肾脏损害为主要临床表现。近五年来我们发现6例,现仅就临床资料较完整,经病理证实且表现特殊—伴有血管炎的一例报告如下: 男性,20岁、待业青年,1982年3月开始出现发烧、咯血、胸痛、9月咳血加重,伴咳嗽、气短。两次出现剧烈左上腹部疼痛。10月中旬后全身关节肿痛,头晕、乏力、进行性苍白,少尿、血尿、恶心呕吐、相继出现。11月3月转住我院。体检:T:37.2℃、BP120/70mmHg,皮肤苍白,眼睑浮肿,胸背部有散在出血点。鼻腔有血迹,胸壁有触痛,肺底有水泡音,心率100次/分,心音弱,心尖部有Ⅱ级缩鸣,无心包摩擦音。腹部有轻度压痛。Hb6.5g/d1、ESR10mm/h,尿蛋白(廿),RBC满
Pulmonary hemorrhage-nephritic syndrome, although reported in 1919 Goodpastur-e, but did not understand the essence of the disease until after Lerner confirmed the disease in 1967 as anti-glomerular basement membrane anti-associated nephritis . The disease more common in young men, with repeated pulmonary hemorrhage, anemia and kidney damage as the main clinical manifestations. In the past five years, we found 6 cases, now only clinical data more complete, confirmed by the pathology and the performance of special - associated with vasculitis, a case report is as follows: Male, 20 years old, unemployed youth, began in March 1982 fever, hemoptysis, Chest pain, September hemoptysis increased, with cough, shortness of breath. Severe left upper quadrant pain twice. After mid-October joint swelling and soreness, dizziness, fatigue, progressive pale, oliguria, hematuria, nausea and vomiting, one after another. November transfer to our hospital in March. Physical examination: T: 37.2 ℃, BP120 / 70mmHg, pale skin, eyelid edema, chest and back scattered scattered bleeding point. Nasal blood, tenderness in the chest wall, blisters voice at the bottom of the lungs, heart rate 100 beats / min, weak heart, apex apex Ⅱ Ming Ming Ming, heartless package fricative. Abdomen mild tenderness. Hb6.5g / d1, ESR10mm / h, urinary protein (20), RBC full