Three derivatives of micromelin, named hydramicromelins A-C (1-3), were isolated from the aerial part of Micromelum integerrimum (Buch.-Ham) Roem., respectively. Hydramicromelins A-C (1-3) were epimers which possessed the same plane structure and molecular formula. Their structures were elucidated based on MS and NMR data. The relative configurations of 1-3 were established by NOE analysis.
Three derivatives of micromelin, named hydramicromelins AC (1-3), were isolated from the aerial part of Micromelum integerrimum (Buch.-Ham) Roem., Respectively. Hydramicromelins AC (1-3) were epimers which possessed the same plane structure and Molecular structures. Their structures were elucidated based on MS and NMR data. The relative configurations of 1-3 were established by NOE analysis.