Overview The Global Pesticide Industry Facing Industry Trends Focusing on the Market Hotspots Grasping the Pulse of the Times 中国 农药 工业 协会 中刊 - “中国 农药” “Chinese Pesticide” is a large-scale comprehensive pesticide scientific and technological information publication sponsored by China Pesticide Industry Association. This magazine aims to provide a macro, comprehensive and deep information exchange platform for the development of pesticide industry. It takes the status quo and trend of global pesticide industry development into consideration. For those involved in the pesticide industry, they are able to timely communicate pesticide-related Various policies and regulations, analyzing the guidelines and measures for the development of the industry and providing abundant domestic and foreign information are windows for understanding the dynamics and development of pesticide industry in our country and the world. It is also a bridge and link between the government and the enterprises. “Chinese Pesticide” currently has: statistics, policies and regulations, pesticide forum, China Pesticide Industrial Park, China Top Brand