欧阳江河所有的诗,从《悬棺》到后来的《傍 晚穿过广场》,仿佛是一首不断向生存终极实在深入的长诗。在当代中国青年诗人中,他的写作是最具有方向性的。在他的诗歌意象系统中,“孩子”是复现律最高者之一。深入细辨,我们能够区分“孩子”这一语辞在欧阳江河诗中的三重涵义:A.作为一种生命力的强调,“孩子”意味着自杀的无用性。B.作为一种抗议,“孩子”意味着不能应付成人罪孽境遇的威胁时,产生的逃避心态。C.作为一种见证者,“孩子”又意味着方向缺失,核心解体,他们通过不选择而抗拒绝望,通过即时性生活而摆脱神经症因素。在欧阳江河的诗中,
All the poems of Ouyang River, from the “hanging coffin” to the later “evening through the square,” seems to be a long poem that continues to be truly in-depth. Among contemporary young Chinese poets, his writing is the most directional. In his poetic imagery system, “child” is one of the highest recurring laws. In-depth analysis, we can distinguish the three meanings of the word “child” in Ouyang Jianghe’s poems: A. As a vitality emphasis, “child” means the uselessness of suicide. B. As a protest, “child” means an avoidance mentality that can not be met by the threat of an adult’s sin situation. C. As a witness, “child” in turn means lacking in direction and core disintegration. They resist the desperation by not choosing and get rid of neurotic factors through immediate life. Ouyang rivers and rivers in the poem,