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内蒙古通辽地区是典型的蒙汉杂居地区,形成了独特的语言接触现象,本文从语言接触的社会动因及发展趋势两个方面,对通辽地区蒙汉语言接触现象进行分析。从社会动因来看,历史上的蒙汉民族接触导致了蒙汉语言接触,建国后的社会语言规划促进了蒙汉语言接触的发展,城市化进程加快了蒙汉语言接触和语言使用功能上的变化。从发展趋势来看,蒙汉两种语言并用现象将长期存在,蒙古族人的汉语使用水平将逐步提高,母语保护意识将会加强。 The Tongliao area in Inner Mongolia is a typical Mongolian - Chinese mixed region, forming a unique phenomenon of language contact. This article analyzes the phenomenon of the language contact between Mongolian and Chinese in Tongliao from two aspects of social motivation and development trend of language contact. From the perspective of social motivation, the historical Mongolian-Han ethnic contacts led to the Mongolian-Chinese language contact, and the social language planning after the founding of PRC promoted the development of Mongolian-Chinese language contact. The urbanization accelerated the function of Mongolian-Chinese language contact and language use Variety. From the perspective of development trend, the combination of Mongolian and Chinese languages ​​will last for a long time, Mongolian Chinese will gradually increase their use of Chinese and the awareness of mother tongue protection will be strengthened.
摘 要:校企合作共建共享实训基地是目前高职教育发展的趋势,但是其在快速发展的过程中出现了一些问题。本文从其出现的问题入手,分析校企共建共享实训基地的一般建设模式,并得出结论。  关键词:高职高专院校;实训基地;校企共建  国家“十二五”教育发展规划纲要指出:“职业教育要面向人人、面向社会,着力培养学生的职业道德、职业技能和就业创业能力。”开展职业教育的目的是提高学生的职业能力,让学生在理论知识扎实