包皮环切术是门诊常见手术。传统的用凡士林油纱布敷裹的方法不易固定,术后换药时患者感觉疼痛明显,弊端较多。笔者从实践中总结出一种新的换药方法,临床应用于30例患者效果良好,轻度感染换药3~4d即可使切口干燥,较重感染也能较快得到控制,介绍如下。1 用 品美宝湿润烧伤膏1
Circumcision is a common outpatient procedure. The traditional Vaseline gauze dressing method is not easy to fix, the patient feeling pain after dressing change, more drawbacks. The author summed up in practice a new dressing method, the clinical application of 30 patients with good results, mild infection dressing 3 ~ 4d can make the incision dry, severe infection can be quickly controlled, described below. 1 supplies MEBO moisturizing cream 1