采矿中一些最头痛的问题来自运输系统和输送机,每个矿都有许多不同的运输系统在运行,相互之间既有平行设置的也有串联设置的,从而带来了多种操作和维修的问题。鲁尔煤炭公司估计,大约有一半的上班时间被输送机和运输系统所占用,如果这种状况能得到根本性改观的话,那么节约将是巨大的。 我们早就需要这么一种新型的多功能运输系统,它可以不管矿井如何布置而在任何一个位置使用,囊括了各种运输系统的优点,且摒弃了它们的缺点。这种运输系统应能处理大物流量而又不使运行路线拥挤,能处理20至25吨的单个负载,并能运送人员。能在地下1500m深的地方作业,不受地表运动的影响,能适应急弯和30%以下的斜坡,并且能杜绝翻车和脱轨事故的发生。它需要支线、道岔点和自动控制装置,速度要达到
Some of the most troublesome problems in mining come from transport systems and conveyors. Each mine has many different transport systems in operation, both parallel and tandem to each other, resulting in a variety of operations and maintenance problem. The Ruhr Coal Company estimates that about half of the working hours are occupied by conveyors and transport systems, and if this situation can be fundamentally improved, the savings will be enormous. We had long needed a new, versatile transport system that could be used in any location regardless of mine layout, encompassing the advantages of various transport systems and eliminating their disadvantages. Such transport systems should be able to handle large volumes of traffic without overcrowding routes, handling single loads of 20 to 25 tons and transporting personnel. It can work under the depth of 1500m underground without being affected by surface movement. It can adapt to tight bends and slopes below 30%, and can prevent rollover and derailment accidents. It needs branch lines, turnouts and automatic control devices, the speed to achieve