禽流感:至4月24日,荷兰共发现83例确诊病人,死亡1例。其中79例表现为结膜炎,13例表现为流行性感冒样病。有证据提示为人-人传播,从病人样本中已分离出H7N7流感病毒,但未检测到其他呼吸病原体。受感染家禽被大规模处死。WHO建议加强监测和诊断,并劝告有接触史者保持警惕,如有症状出现应及时就医。 埃博拉出血热:至5月23日,刚果报告143例,死亡128例。发生在西部盆地区的姆博穆县和凯莱地区。13例实验室确诊,130例与流行病学相关。
Bird flu: As of April 24, a total of 83 confirmed cases were found in the Netherlands and 1 died. 79 cases showed conjunctivitis, 13 cases showed influenza-like illness. Evidence suggestive of human-human transmission, H7N7 influenza virus has been isolated from patient samples but no other respiratory pathogens have been detected. The infected poultry were massively executed. WHO recommends stepping up surveillance and diagnosis and advising those who have had history of exposure to be vigilant, and promptly see a doctor if symptoms appear. Ebola haemorrhagic fever: As of May 23, the Congo reported 143 cases and 128 deaths. Occurred in the western basin area Mbomu County and Gloria area. 13 cases were diagnosed in laboratory and 130 cases were related to epidemiology.