“进行中——日本青年艺术家群展”于2015年10月23日在上海喜玛拉雅美术馆分馆证大当代艺术空间开幕。提及日本当代艺术,大多数中国观众首先想到的是草间弥生、村上隆、奈良美智等耳熟能详的名字。而年轻一代的日本当代艺术家又在开展着哪些实践呢?带着这样的好奇心,在东京艺术大学教授田甫律子(Ritsuko Taho)女士的引介下,侧重于展示和推广实验性艺术、培养青年艺术家的上海喜玛拉雅美术馆分馆——证大当代艺术空间推出了“进行中——日本青年艺术家群展”。参展的4位艺术家川越健太、西尾美也、柴田悠基、
In Progress - Young Japanese Artists Group Exhibition was opened on October 23, 2015 at the Contemporary Art Space of Shanghai Himalayas Art Museum Branch. Referring to Japanese contemporary art, most Chinese viewers first came to mind with familiar names such as Yayoi Kusama, Takashi Murakami and Nara. And with the curiosity, with the introduction of Ms. Ritsuko Taho, a professor at the Tokyo University of the Arts, I focus on the demonstration and promotion of experimental art and the cultivation of young people Artist’s Shanghai Himalayas Museum Branch - Zhengda Contemporary Art Space Launched “In Progress - Japan Young Artists Group Exhibition.” The four artists participating in Kawagoe Kentai, the West end of the United States also, Chai Tian Youji,