Preparation and Evaluation in vitro of Salicylic Acid-pachyman Nanoparticles

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dorothyhe
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Pachyman based nanoparticles loading salicylic acid as model drug (SA-PNPs) were prepared by an inverse microemulsion crosslinking approach using epichlorohydrin (ECH) as crosslinker. The effects of crosslinking reaction time, initial volume ratio of oil to aqueous phase and dosage of crosslinker on the particle size of SA-PNPs were optimized by orthogonal experimental design. SA-PNPs prepared under the optimal conditions had the average size of 230 nm and high encapsulation efficiency of 90%. The in vitro drug release was also investigated and the release data were analyzed using zero order, first order and Higuchi’s kinetics model. According to the determined coefficients, release data fitted to Higuchi’s model, which suggested that the release of SA from SA-PNPs in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) was diffusion controlled release. The experimental results indicated that pachyman possesses a promising potential to be applied as nanocarriers for controlled drug release. Pachyman based nanoparticles loading salicylic acid as model drug (SA-PNPs) were prepared by an inverse microemulsion crosslinking approach using epichlorohydrin (ECH) as crosslinker. The effects of crosslinking reaction time, initial volume ratio of oil to aqueous phase and dosage of crosslinker on the particle size of SA-PNPs were optimized by orthogonal experimental design. SA-PNPs prepared under the optimal conditions had the average size of 230 nm and high encapsulation efficiency of 90%. The in vitro drug release was also investigated and the release data were analyzed using the first order and Higuchi’s kinetics model. According to the determined coefficients, release data fitted to Higuchi’s model, which suggested that the release of SA from SA-PNPs in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) was diffusion controlled release. results indicated that pachyman possesses a promising potential to be applied as nanocarriers for controlled drug release.
随着儿子日渐长成“半大小伙子”,当家长的我愈发感到当“好家长”的角色真是“看似容易却艰辛”。  我和妻子都在企业机关工作,儿子于1996年秋李入学后,我们只好“早送晚接”,孩子中午就餐、休息和下午放学后的这段时间,就托付给父母二老代为看管。  也是应了那句“玉不琢,不成器”的古训,孩子虽小,但可塑性强。由于我们疏于引导,孩子不知从何时起沾染上了一些坏毛病,上课不认真听讲、作业不能按时完成、在父母跟
导语:福尔摩斯曾经用他关于烟灰的知识来抓住罪犯,考古学家则根据动物的牙齿和植物的种子改变我们对历史的认识。  因为工作关系,笔者曾经采访过一位考古学家,在说道某个问题时,这位考古学家不厌其烦地介绍了陶瓷的形制序列问题,他说这是一种考古学界用来判定历史时期的方法,不同的时代,不同的文明有不同形制的陶器,考古人员如果在某文化层发现了与之前地层中截然不同的陶瓷碎片,很可能意味着新的人群入住了,说道这里,
公益营销是一种借助公益活动的消费者沟通,是一种利人利己的双赢行为,或者说,是一种通过“利人”来达到“利己”目的的商业行为。 Public-benefit marketing is a kind of c