近年来,工会经费的收缴率年年上升。但也存在着一些问题,特别是文、教、卫、农、林、水系统拨缴工会经费的问题较多,是影响各级工会经费收缴率提高的薄弱环节。现就如何提高工会经费收缴率这一问题,谈几点个人建议。 1.恢复由财政部门直接划拨工会经费的办法。文、教、卫系统和党政机关的经费来源,主要靠财政部门按预算拨款,有时可能比预算数少一点,但到了年终,大多数支出还是能保证预算开支的。可是有些同志认为这是财政拨给的经费,不理解财政部门在拨出职工工资的同时,就可以按工资总额的2%计拨工会经费。执行预算拨款时,工会经费就包括在其中。因此,强调某种原因,漏拨、少拨、挪用工会经费,就会影响各级工会的经费收缴率。我区有四个县(市)是财政部门按预算规定比例直接划拨工会经费的,其中县(市)教育工会为60%,县(市)总工会为40%,工会经费收缴率达85~95%以上。其他县由于乡财政没有成立工会等原因,工会经费收缴问题就比较多,经费收缴率也很低。
In recent years, the collection rate of union funds has risen year after year. However, there are still some problems. In particular, there are more problems concerning the funds allocated by trade unions in the education, education, health, agriculture, forestry and water systems, which are the weak links that affect the improvement of the collection rate of the funds for trade unions at all levels. Now on how to raise the collection rate of union funds this issue, talk a few personal suggestions. 1. Resume the direct allocation of labor union funds by the financial department. The funding sources for the arts, education, health systems and party and government organs depend mainly on the budget allocated by the finance department, sometimes less than the budget. By the end of the year, most of the expenditures still guarantee the budget expenditures. However, some comrades think that this is a financial allocation of funds. Without understanding that the financial department allocates employees ’salaries, they can allocate the unions’ funds at 2% of the total wage. When implementing budget allocations, union funds are included. Therefore, emphasizing that for some reason, omissions, misappropriations and misappropriation of trade union funds will affect the collection rate of funds of trade unions at all levels. In our district, there are four counties (cities) where the financial departments allocate funds directly to trade unions according to the budget, of which 60% are counties (cities), 40% are general unions (counties) and 85% above 95. In other counties, due to the fact that the township finance did not set up a trade union or other reasons, the collection of funds by trade unions was more problematic and the collection rate of funds was also very low.