The French government has spent $10 million to install video-telephone equipment in Biarritz, which is part of the $6 billion telecommunications program. By June of this year, 1500 households will be equipped with a television and telephone system, including a telephone, a TV screen and a mobile camera. The camera will be connected to the underground glass fiber cable network, and the cable will transmit 10 times more information than the conventional coaxial cable system. The French government plans to connect all major towns with fiber-optic cables in 2000, eventually making television telephony widely available. Plans have been made to link Montpellier, Renault and Paris to this system. By the end of 1988, 3.1 million homes will be linked to fiber optic systems. The government only requires the owner to bear the cost. A single video phone costs 3,000 U.S. dollars and an installation fee of 7,000 U.S. dollars.