同志们: 为了贯彻国务院《扫除文盲工作条例》,推动我国扫盲工作,国家教委这三年来,每年都坚持召开一次扫盲工作会议。今年是国际扫盲年,各地扫盲工作都抓得很紧,做出了较大成绩。这次会议的首要任务是总结交流各地扫盲的经验,表彰在扫盲工作中做出成绩的一批先进工作者,研究、部署在新的形势下,如何进一步把我国扫盲工作推向前进。自从1988年国务院发布《扫除文盲工作条例》以来,我国扫盲工作逐年发展,取得了很大成绩,但任务仍然很艰巨,我们一定不能松懈,要在已经取得成绩的基础上,继续努力,发扬愚公移山精神,再接再励,坚持不懈地继续抓紧扫盲工作。绝对不能在国际扫盲年过去以
Comrades: In order to carry out the State Council’s “Regulations on the Elimination of Illiteracy,” and promote literacy in our country, the State Education Commission has held a literacy conference every year for the past three years. This year marks the International Year of Literacy, and literacy work in all parts of the country has taken a very tight grip and made great achievements. The first task of this meeting is to summarize and exchange experience of literacy in various places and to commend a batch of advanced workers who have made achievements in literacy work. They will study and deploy under the new situation how to further promote literacy in our country. Since the State Council released the “Regulations on the Work of Eliminating Illiteracy” in 1988, the literacy work in our country has been progressing year by year with great achievements. However, its task is still arduous. We must not slacken our efforts. We must continue our efforts based on the results already achieved. Spirit, make persistent efforts to persevere, continue to pay close attention to literacy work. Absolutely not in the International Literacy Year