每到夏天脚气就易复发,有时还会继发感染。如何不让脚气复发呢? 脚气是足癣的俗称,其致病菌是真菌,该菌生命力极强,在-6℃的环境里能长久地存活,在120℃的高温中,10分钟内不会死亡。因此,真菌引起的皮肤病不仅有传染性,如果治疗不彻底或不正确,还易反复发作。
Every summer, beriberi is easy to relapse, and sometimes secondary infection. How to prevent recurrence of athlete’s foot? Athlete’s foot is commonly known as athlete’s foot, the pathogen is fungus, the vitality of the bacteria strong in -6 ℃ environment can long-term survival in the high temperature of 120 ℃, 10 minutes Will die. Therefore, fungal skin diseases caused not only contagious, if the treatment is not complete or incorrect, but also easy to recurrent.