我们的一切工作,都离不开马克思主义哲学思想、方法的指导,财政工作亦不例外。在财政工作中遇到的种种矛盾,需要以马克思主义哲学思想、方法作指导,给予正确的认识和处理。 (一)增收节支是缓解收支矛盾的重要手段马克思主义哲学的矛盾的对立与统一的规律,认为世界上一切事物无时无刻不充满着矛盾。财政工作与其它事物一样,也无时不充满
All our work can not be separated from the guidance of Marxist philosophical ideas and methods, and financial work is no exception. All kinds of contradictions encountered in the financial work need to be guided by the Marxist philosophical thinking and methods and given a correct understanding and handling. (1) Saving income and reducing expenditure is an important measure to ease the contradiction between revenue and expenditure Conflicts and contradictory laws of Marxist philosophy hold that all things in the world are not always full of contradictions. Financial work, like everything else, is also full of time and place