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(一)我厂因产品质量低劣,市场反映意见很多,天津交电公司在第一季向我厂提出退货,因此造成产品积压与资金周转不灵,被迫部分产品停产和减产。为解决这一关键性的问题,我们一方面注意现有产品质量的改进,另方面大力试制新产品。经过全体职工积极努力,统计在上年二、三季试制成功已投入生产的新产品即有十种。包括胶闸盒两种、木碗两种、碟子四种和肥皂盒、安全圈等,共计产值八亿一千三百四十九万四千元。这充分证明地方国营工业试制新产品的重要意义,但试制过程中不是一帆风顺的。如有的人认为生产这些东西产值不大,不顶事,不如生产工业品作用大看不起生产日用品的错误思想。领导上抓住这一点用事实进行了地方国营工业方针任务的教育,大大的启发了职工的创造性与积极性,从而在思想上取得试制新产品热情的保证。 (I) Because of the poor quality of our products, the market reflected many opinions. Tianjin Jiaotong Power Company submitted a return to our factory in the first quarter, which caused product backlog and cash flow to be ineffective, forced some products to stop production and reduce production. In order to solve this critical problem, we have on the one hand paid attention to the improvement of the quality of existing products and on the other hand vigorously trial-produced new products. Through the active efforts of all employees, there are ten new products that have been put into production successfully after trial production in the second and third quarters of last year. Including two kinds of plastic brake boxes, two kinds of wooden bowls, four kinds of dishes and soap boxes, security circles, etc., a total output value of 814,490,400 yuan. This fully proves the importance of trial production of new products by local state-owned industries, but it has not been easy in the trial production process. Some people think that the production value of these things is not big, not the top, not as good as the role of production of industrial products look down on the wrong thinking of producing daily necessities. Leaders seized this point and used facts to educate local government on the principles and tasks of the industry, greatly inspiring the creativity and enthusiasm of the employees, and thus securing enthusiasm for trial production of new products.