Improved Relevance Ranking in WebGather

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BalloonMan_Again
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The amount of information on the web is growing rapidly and search engines that rely on keyword matching usually return too many fow quality matches. To improve search results, a challenging task for search engines is how to effectively calculate a relevane ranking for each web page. This paper discusses in what order a search engine should return the URLs it has produced in response to a user’s query so as to show more relevant pages first. Emphasis is given on the ranking functions a-dopted by WebGather that take link structure and user popularity factors into account. Bxperimental results are also presented to evaluate the proposed strategy. The amount of information on the web is growing rapidly and search engines that rely on keyword matching usually return too many fow quality matches. To improve search results, a challenging task for search engines is how to effectively calculate a relevane ranking for each web page. This paper discusses in what order a search engine should return the URLs it has produced in response to a user’s query so as to show more relevant pages first. Emphasis is given on the ranking functions a-dopted by WebGather that take link structure and user popularity factors into account. Bxperimental results are also presented to evaluate the proposed strategy.
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