第一届亚洲植物染色体研讨会将于 2 0 0 1年 9月 2 7~ 2 9日在北京中国科技会堂召开。大会主题 :面向新世纪的植物染色体研究。它将反映亚洲地区该领域研究的最新成果 ,促进本学科的学术交流及发展。竭诚欢迎从事染色体研究及植物遗传、育种领域的专家学者参加。本次大会由中?
The first Asian Symposium on Phytotaxonomy will be held from September 21 to September 29, 2001 at the China Science and Technology Hall in Beijing. Conference Theme: Plant Chromosome Research Facing the New Century. It will reflect the latest achievements in research in this field in Asia and promote academic exchange and development in this field. We sincerely welcome experts and scholars involved in chromosome research and plant genetics and breeding. The conference by?